Sunrise Project became a 501 c3 non-profit organization in 2015.
We are community-driven, open to all and passionate about creating community.
We are relationship-driven and welcome you to join us!

Sunrise Project serves Douglas County by providing space and opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to build an equitable community through education, good food, and social connection.
We envision a resilient community that provides for its own needs and offers opportunities for all people to grow and eat culturally appropriate foods, care for the land and one another. We are committed to creating an equitable community in which people of all ages and experiences live self-determined, healthy and meaningful lives.
As an organization, we value and prioritize:
Our environment, and strive to emphasize the importance of energy conservation, resource management, and the provision of healthy local food to the community
Physical, mental and spiritual health, as well as general quality of life, as defined by each person for themselves
Experiential and shared learning as a means of expanding food and environmental literacy, valuing all knowledge, from technical to experiential
Nurturing community relationships and cooperative experiences
Promoting social justice, personal empowerment, and positive systemic change for our whole community
Creatively accomplishing our mission and vision without sacrificing fun, beauty and joy.